Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften

The Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften (ZfdG) explores themes where the humanities and digital research overlap. The e-journal is a collaboration between the MWW Research Association and the Verband Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd). The ZfdG welcomes innovative German- or English-language contributions from all areas of the digital humanities by established scholars, junior researchers and research groups. Articles on digital collection research represent another editorial focus of the journal. The quality of the published papers is ensured by a multilevel review process. As a full-fledged open-access journal, articles can be submitted for review at no cost, and thanks to its long-term archive, can be accessed and reliably found for later use.

Former Staff

  • Marcus Baumgarten
  • Henrike Fricke-Steyer
  • Caroline Jansky
  • Lisa Klaffki
  • Jonathan Schimpf
  • Martin Wiegand

Von »C« wie Call oder »P« wie Publizieren – Die ZfdG im Gespräch

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